Quick and Efficient Stowaway Detection Services

At Pronto Security, we specialize in providing top-tier stowaway detection services that ensure the integrity and safety of your cargo and crew.

About Us Our Services

Maritime Security, Streamlined

Streamline your maritime operations with our quick-response stowaway detection, for a voyage as secure as it is efficient.

Our Services

Pronto Security Officers have searched more than 5000 ships, ranging from Fishing Trawlers, Bulk Vessels, Container Liners, Wood Carriers, Car Carriers, Oil Rigs and Passenger Liners. We are proud to announce that our stowaway rate in 21 years is 100 %. We have arrested more than 200 stowaways during the past years.

Meet The Team

Explore our gallery to see Pronto Security in action. From rigorous patrol routines to advanced stowaway detection, our images and videos capture the essence of our commitment to maritime safety. With over 27 years of industry experiance

Contact Us

Navigate With Confidence: Protecting Your Vessels, Preserving Your Peace of Mind

Company Address

60 Marine Drive, Ocean View, Bluff, 4052

Office Hours

Mon To Fri - 08.00 - 17.00

Sun To Sat - Close




Phone Numbers

(031) 466 3960

+27 082 703 0033

Securing Your Fleet, Safeguarding Your Future, get in touch today.

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